Freemax Tanks

FreeMax is a professional manufacturer and exporter of electronic cigarettes and vapour hardware to all around the world. Since the foundation in 2013, FreeMax has achieved an excellent reputation for its high quality, powerful innovation ability and outstanding customer service. FreeMax has released a series of patented products which have made a profound influence on the whole industry.


Many milestone products were launched by Freemax:


1. At the end of 2014, the introduction of the Freemax Starre tank brought the vaping industry into the SUB OHM Times;

2. Early 2015, Freemax Starre Pure is the first sub ohm tank with Top Airflow;

3. At the end of 2016, Freemax Fireluke is the first sub ohm tank with resin setup;

4. At the end of 2017, Freemax Fireluke Mesh is the world`s first sub ohm tank with mesh coils;

5. And Now, Freemax Mesh Pro is the world`s first sub ohm tank with Double & Triple & Quad Mesh Coils


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