Six Licks Nic Salts

Six Licks Nic Salts priced at only £2.99 Intro offer.


Six Licks is another fastest-growing e-liquid brand in the UK. Six Licks Nic Salts are known for their top quality fruity flavours and catchy product names. Utilising fruity ingredients ranging from traditional to the exotics, their blends are perfect for those who love a fruity vape that is full of flavour. The Six Licks nicotine salts range has a smoother feel when vaped; nic salts are often favoured by those looking for a more noticeable rush as the nicotine enters the system faster.


Their goal as a brand is to introduce vapers like you to new flavour combinations that blow the competition out of the water, with 'lip-licking' fruit blends that incorporate unique flavours ranging from tropical-inspired to fruit-bowl classics.


Six Licks 10ml nic salts are an ideal solution for new vapers using starter kits or pod devices who have recently switched from smoking and are still craving a nicotine kick. Available in 10mg and 20mg nicotine strengths, these 50:50 VG:PG nic salts provide a stronger nicotine hit, with a smoother throat hit than standard nicotine e-liquids and are absorbed into the body faster for quick craving resolution.


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