Firerose 5000 Nic Salts - Bubblegum Airways

Firerose 5000 Nic Salts - Bubblegum Airways

Firerose 5000 Nic Salts

  • £1.89
  • Save £2.10

Firerose Nic Salts Bubblegum Airways

Take flight on the sweet clouds of Bubblegum Airways, where the classic taste of bubblegum meets the airy heights of vaping pleasure.


Key features:

  • 10ml Bottle
  • 10mg and 20mg Salt Nicotine
  • Designed for MTL/Starter Vape Kits
  • Childproof Cap
  • 50% VG / 50% PG

  • Tamper Evident Seal


Our items are intended for people aged 18 and up. Except for the 0mg eliquids all of our e-liquids contain nicotine, a highly addictive ingredient. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people in poor health should avoid using nicotine containing products. Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to purchase or use our items. E-cigarettes and nicotine containing goods should always be kept out of children's reach.

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