HorizonTech Sakerz Replacement Coils

Horizon Tech

  • £9.99
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The HorizonTech Sakerz Coils have been specially designed to use in conjunction with the HorizonTech Sakerz sub ohm vape tank for DTL (Direct To Lung) vaping. There are two different coils in the range, the 0.16 Ohm mesh coil, and the 0.17 Ohm 2-in-1 coil. When it comes to replacing the coils, they feature a thread less press-fit system that reduces the risk of e-liquid leaking out of the tank during the changeover.
  • Horizontech Sakerz Tank Replacement Coils
  • Designed For DTL Vaping
  • Mesh Coils
  • Threadless Design
  • Compatible With High VG E-Liquid
Both variants of mesh coils have a larger surface area that heats e-liquid faster, delivering improved flavour.
3 x HorizonTech Sakerz Coils
Our products are designed for adults 18 years of age and over.  All our e-liquids, with the exception of the 0mg eliquids, contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance.  Nicotine containing products should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or persons of ill health.  Our products are not for sale or use by anyone under the age of 18.  E-cigarettes and nicotine containing products should always kept out of reach of children.

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