VooPoo Drag S2 Kit


  • £32.99
  • £39.99

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The VooPoo Drag S2 Kit is an excellent, modern sub-ohm kit that is supreme for vapers at any level. Powered by an incorporated 2500mAh battery, offering extended use between charges, making it perfect for all-day vaping. To get you on your way, the Drag S2 Kit has a PNP X Cartridge and 2 PNP X coils included.

The Drag S2 power output ranges from 5-60W and supports MTL (Mouth to Lung), RDTL (Restricted Direct to Lung) and DTL (Direct to Lung) vaping, the customisable modes make this kit very versatile and personable to the user.

• Sub Ohm Pod Kit
• 5 - 60W Output Range
• 2500mAh Built-In Battery
• Gene.TT 2.0 Chipset
• Multiple Vaping Modes
• MTL, RDTL & DTL Vaping
• 2ml Pod Capacity
• Side-Filling Design
• Adjustable Airflow

It doesn’t stop there, the Kit offers 3 different vaping modes depending on what type of experience you are after. Smart, ECO and RBA. Smart Mode effortlessly identifies the coil and configures the ideal power level, guaranteeing a vaping experience that is both smooth and efficient, Eco Mode is great for when you're on the go as it helps to make your battery last even longer and RBA Mode. RBA mode allows you to tailor your vape to your personal specifications, giving you complete control over the power.

To access the fill port for the Drag S2, you simply lift up the stopper on the side and you can fill it up, it is very user-friendly. This Kit can accommodate all DTL, RDTL and MTL PNP X coils.

The includes 0.3 Ohm coil which is ideal for 50/50 e-liquids at 32/40W and a 0.2 Ohm coil which works best between 46-60W with a 70% VG Vape Juice.

• Voopoo Drag S2 Device
• Voopoo PNP X DTL Pod
• Voopoo PNP X 0.2 Ohm Coil
• Voopoo PNP X 0.3 Ohm Coil
• USB-C Charging Cable
• User Manual

Our products are designed for adults 18 years of age and over. All our e-liquids, with the exception of the 0mg eliquids, contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. Nicotine containing products should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or persons of ill health. Our products are not for sale or use by anyone under the age of 18. E-cigarettes and nicotine containing products should always kept out of reach of children.

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