7 Celebrities Who Switched to E-Cigs

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

7 Celebrities Who Switched to E-Cigs

Even though we rarely see actors and actresses smoking cigarettes on screen these days, that doesn’t mean they don’t smoke off screen. Except they aren’t always smoking cigarettes! Many celebrities have switched to e-cigarettes and have become big supporters of vaping.  

  • Leonardo DiCaprio

Leo has been one of the most visible celebs when it comes to vaping. He always has the latest gear and is often photographed using his vape, even at award shows!

  • Katy Perry

New mom Katy Perry has decided to quit cigarettes and use vapes instead. The pop singer has been seen several times taking a few moments for herself to use her vape pen.

  • Samuel L. Jackson 

It’s hard to find someone more vocal about the benefits of vaping than the legendary Samuel L. Jackson. He has an incredible collection of devices, e-liquids, and accessories that he proudly posts pictures of online. 

  • Sophie Turner 

‘Game of Thrones’ actress Sophie Turner is often photographed out in public with her vape pen. There’s even a photo of her in costume on set, puffing away between takes.

  • Simon Cowell

After unsuccessful attempts in the past, Simon Cowell has been able to quit smoking by vaping. Becoming a dad made him realise he wanted to set a better example for his son.

  • Lady Gaga 

Recent photos of Lady Gaga with a cigarette are hard to come by. That’s because the singer made the switch to e-cigarettes to quit smoking. 

  • Richard Hammond 

Richard Hammond's love of gear extends to vapes. He is often seen with big, powerful pieces of vaping kit.

Vape Starter Kits
If you want to make the switch to vaping like these celebrities did, Vapes Direct is here for you. One of the best places to start is with cheap vape kits because they come with everything you need.

  • Aspire Vilter Kit: This sleek vape with its paper drip tip makes you feel like you’re smoking a cigarette.

  • Aspire Zelos Nano Starter Kit: A compact, powerful MTL vape that produces discreet vapour all day long.
  • Vaporesso Target PM80 Kit: A stylish, easy to use pod mod that delivers delicious sub-ohm vapour.
  • Vype Epod Starter Kit: A lightweight pod kit that fits in the palm of your hand, this vape is where simplicity meets style.
You can buy Cheap Vape Kits, Vape Pens, and Aspire Starter Kits online in the UK from Vapes Direct.

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