Blog — cool menthol flavours

Menthol Drops vs. Menthol Cigarettes: Which One Offers a Better Vaping Experience?

Posted by Vapes Direct on

Menthol Drops vs. Menthol Cigarettes: Which One Offers a Better Vaping Experience?

If you love that cool, refreshing hit of menthol, you’re not alone. For years, menthol cigarettes were a go-to for smokers who wanted a smoother experience. But since the UK banned them in 2020, many have turned to vaping to get their menthol fix. This has led to a rise in menthol drops. These little bottles of concentrated menthol let you customise your vape juice, giving you as much (or as little) of that icy sensation as you want.  But how do they compare to traditional menthol cigarettes? And which one offers a better vaping experience? This blog will help...

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Which Vape Eliquids Help You Keep Cool in Summer

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Which Vape Eliquids Help You Keep Cool in Summer

Elfliq eliquids and the cold menthol flavours of Bar Juice 5000 nic salts will enhance your vaping game. With a wonderful selection of Ice Menthol and Fruity Flavours priced at just £2.49 each, you can beat the heat. Enjoy a revitalising and gratifying vaping experience by making a purchase right away at VapesDirect.

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