Blog — 50:50 shortfills

Nicotine Levels: Finding Your Perfect Balance for Vaping Bliss

Posted by MR VapesDirect on

Nicotine Levels: Finding Your Perfect Balance for Vaping Bliss

In the vibrant world of vaping, nicotine levels play a crucial role in shaping your experience. Whether you're a seasoned vaper or a newcomer exploring the options available at Vapesdirect, understanding nicotine levels can significantly enhance your enjoyment. This article delves into the intricacies of nicotine levels, providing insights to help you find the right balance that suits your preferences.

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50/50 Shortfill Eliquids and An Introduction to them

Posted by avtar sehmi on

50/50 Shortfill Eliquids and An Introduction to them

50/50 Shortfill Eliquids and also an Introduction to them50ml bottles 50/50 pg/vg ratio only £5.00 each - Now you can get your favourite 10ml eliquid in a 50ml shortfill saving you money and has its added convenience of a larger size. Our  Billionaire Vapes 50/50 shortfill range is UK manufactured and developed, it is made with a 50/50 concentration to offer finely balanced flavour profiles and dense vapour experience, along with a 0mg nicotine strength. The range of flavours available from the Billionaire Vapes 50/50 Shortfills is substantial, if you’re after a refreshing cooling experience then they can provide it with one...

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