Choosing the best Edge E-liquid and Double Drip Nic Salts

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Choosing the best Edge E-liquid and Double Drip Nic Salts

There is a reason Edge E-liquid and Double Drip Nic Salts are two of the most purchased vape juices in the UK. They are both highly rated among vapers not only because of their creative and delicious vape flavours, but because of how high quality they are.

Edge E-liquid
All of Edge E-liquid’s vape juice is made in the UK inside state of the art, pharmaceutical grade laboratories. Each bottle undergoes thorough testing to ensure they are safe and delicious. So you can rest assured that your favourite flavours will be consistently great.

Here are a few of their popular flavours:

  • Edge E-liquid Menthol: A no-nonsense icy menthol flavoured e-liquid that will cool you down and refresh your senses.
  • Edge E-liquid Strawberry Milkshake: A tasty treat that has a perfect and decadent blend of juicy strawberry and fluffy vanilla cream.
  • Edge E-liquid Very Menthol: A more intense menthol e-liquid that has a strong, invigorating minty taste to tingle your taste buds.
  • Edge E-liquid Nic Shot: 10ml bottles of unflavoured nicotine to use with nicotine-free shortfill e-liquids

Double Drip Nic Salts
Another UK based e-liquid brand, Double Drip is an industry leader due to their unbeatable flavours. Packaged in their trademark cyber punk labelling, Double Drip has something for everyone.

For those who want more nicotine in their vape without sacrificing on taste, Double Drip has nic salt versions of their e-liquids. Nic salts use a purer form of nicotine than standard e-liquids so you will get the intense nicotine throat hit that you used to only be able to get from cigarettes. They are ideal for recent ex-smokers or for those who need delicious and immediate nicotine satisfaction.

Popular flavours include:

You can purchase high quality and cheap vape juice online in the UK from Vapes Direct. We are an in-demand vape shop in London with an incredible range of vape flavours at unbeatable prices.

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