Liqua E-liquid vs Liqua Mix Shortfills: What's the Difference?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Liqua E-liquid vs Liqua Mix Shortfills: What's the Difference?
In 2014, the EU passed The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) to regulate the tobacco industry. One of the mandates of the TPD is that E-liquid containing nicotine cannot be sold in bottles that are over 10ml. As a result, E-liquid manufacturers like Liqua had to find creative solutions on how to sell their premium E-liquids.

What is E-Liquid?
E-Liquid is the fluid that is put into the tanks of e-cigarettes or vapes. The liquid is made up of propylene glycol and vegetable oil (or a mixture of both) with food-grade flavouring added in. It can contain nicotine, but this is not always the case. If E-liquids do contain nicotine, they can only be sold in 10ml bottles or less.

What is a Shortfill?
Those who vape may often find that 10ml bottles just don’t cut it. That is where the shortfill comes in! Shortfills are large bottles of E-liquid that contain no nicotine. The bottles are filled just short of the top, leaving space to add in nicotine shots (nic shots). Simply pour a nic shot into your favourite shortfill, give it a shake, and voila! You now have a larger bottle of E-liquid that is fully customizable.

E-Liquid vs Shortfills
Both options have their own benefits and it all just comes down to personal preference. For beginners, pre-mixed 10ml bottles of E-liquid are very convenient. They are also more portable for those vaping on the go. Shortfills on the other hand are a solid choice for vapers who want more freedom with their E-liquids. They also tend to be more budget-friendly and will not run out as quickly as the 10ml bottles.

To suit every taste, there is a wide range of Liqua E-liquids available at Vapes Direct like Berry, Two Mint, and Cuban Cigar. 

Liqua’s range of Mix and Go Shortfills are an amazing option for vapers looking for more personalisation of their E-liquids. One of the more unique offerings of Liqua E-Liquid is their tobacco flavoured options, perfect for when you want to have the smooth taste of tobacco without having to smoke a cigarette. Some of the more popular flavours are Liqua Mix & Go Sweet Tobacco and Liqua Mix & Go Bright Tobacco.

Buy your Liqua E-liquids online today at

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