New to Vaping? 4 Things to Consider Before Buying a Vape

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

New to Vaping? 4 Things to Consider Before Buying a Vape
When you’re new to vaping, it may feel overwhelming learning what everything is and what you need to buy to get started. To help you make the switch, we’ve created this guide to break down some vaping basics for you.

Why You’ve Made the Switch
Most people start vaping to give up cigarettes. If this is why you’ve decided to strt vaping, it’s important to have the right expectations. At first, vaping may not feel like your previous habit so to help you stick with vaping, try draw activated vapes like disposable vapes where you just inhale to get vapour. You can use high nicotine e-liquid or nic salts to get the throat hit you’re used to.

Pick Your Type
It’s worth starting out with disposable vapes or an All-in-One (AIO) kit because these require minimal upkeep and maintenance. Once you’re ready, you can move on to a more advanced vape mod with interchangeable components to customise your vapour. You should also make sure that the vape you get is compatible with the type of e-liquid you want to use.

Prepare for Maintenance
With disposable vapes, once the e-liquid runs out you just get a new vape. Other devices require more maintenance like cleaning and replacing parts. Cleaning and properly caring for your device is important to not only get the best tasting vapour, but to extend the lifespan of your gear. Your vape manual should tell you what you need to do to care for your device.

You can get huge clouds from large vape mods, but they aren’t the most portable of devices. If you spend most of your day out and about, you’ll want something that’s easy to carry in your pocket or handbag like a pod or vape pen. These vapes are smaller but can still provide a powerful amount of vapour. 

To top up your vape while you’re out, the standard 10ml bottles of e-liquid are easier to carry with you than the bigger shortfill bottles

Whatever type of vape or e-liquid you decide on, Vapes Direct has what you need. We are a vape shop based online in the UK selling vapes, e-liquids, and vape accessories at affordable prices. For the best vape store and vape sales in the UK, visit our online shop today.

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