Blog — best vape starter kits

Time to Quit Smoking?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Time to Quit Smoking?

Every year around 78,000 people in the UK die from smoking, that is 78,000 people who could have quit before the damage became fatal... Check out our section on Quit Smoking, where you can find the perfect kit to help you quit today!

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Which are the best vape starter kits?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Which are the best  vape starter kits?

There are literally thousands of cheap vape kits and vape pens on sale in the UK with endless flavour combinations and different devices, it can be really hard to know where to start.  Vapes Direct has some of the best vape starter kits. Why do most people vape? Vaping for most people is an alternative to cigarette smoking; it gives you the fix and has the sociability of smoking without all the risks.  Choosing the best vape starter kit, therefore, is really important so that your transition from smoking to vaping is smooth and successful otherwise the likely scenario is...

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