The best Vape Tank should always have these 6 features

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

The best Vape Tank should always have these 6 features

If you’re in the market for a new vape tank, there are a few things you should keep in mind so that your next vaping session is a good one. In addition to getting a tank that works with your device and preferred e-liquid, you should also factor these 6 features in.

Easy to Fill 
You used to only be able to get cumbersome bottom fill tanks, but now they’re usually top fill or side fill. Many make refilling even easier by having swivel tops or a slide mechanism.

Adjustable Airflow 
No two vapers are alike which is why you want a tank with adjustable airflow. Most tanks have a ring on it that you can manually move to adjust the airflow so you should make sure the tank you get has one.   

Leak-Free Design 
Leaks are usually caused by the use of damaged or improperly installed components, but it can also be due to the style and design of the tank. This is why it’s important to make sure the tank you choose is one with a leek-free design. 

Easy to Change Out the Coil 
No matter how much you vape or what temperature you vape at, you’ll need to change out your coil on a regular basis. Some tanks have push fit coils and others have coils that need to be screwed in. Pick a tank that uses your preferred method and will leave your fingers e-liquid free. 

Works with Your Vaping Style 
When looking at a new vape tank, make sure it works with your vaping style and the type of e-liquid you prefer. Otherwise, you could end up damaging your tank and its parts and creating vapour that isn’t to your taste. 

Sub Ohm Tank: Mesh Coil & Durable Wick
If you opt for a sub-ohm tank, choose one that comes with a mesh coil because they create big, delicious clouds without using too much battery power. The wick inside your sub-ohm coil should also be durable since you’ll be vaping at a higher temperature.

Vapes Direct is a leading online vape shop selling cheap, high quality vape tanks like the Aspire K3 Tank. Visit us today to buy everything you need to vape in the UK.

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