The Ultimate Guide to Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills

Posted by avtar sehmi on

The Ultimate Guide to Liqua Mix Shortfills
For Vapers who want more freedom in their e-liquid, Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills are some of the best e-liquids, most affordable available in the UK.  Liqua e-liquids are blended to suit all, with a wide variety of flavours, strengths and concentrations. From menthol, fruit, tobacco to sweet flavours you won’t have to worry about shelf life because Liqua Mix and Go e-liquid has high quality nitrogen added in to slow down the oxidation process.

What is a Shortfill?
In 2014, the EU passed The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) to regulate the tobacco industry, mandates that e-liquid containing nicotine cannot be sold in volumes over 10ml.

Most Vapers find that a standard 10ml bottle doesn't last long. Shortfills, which are large bottles of flavoured e-liquid that contain no nicotine, solve this for you. Shortfills are filled just “short” of the top, leaving space for you to add in nictotine e-liquid (nic shots). Simply pour a nic shot into your favourite flavour shortfill, give it a shake, and you have a large bottle to vape.

Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills
Shortfills are great for vapers who want more freedom with their e-liquids. They last longer and are easier on the budget than pre-mixed 10ml bottles. Liqua’s Mix and Go Shortfills are the go-to option for vapers looking for an affordable way to personalise their e-liquids.

Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills come in 70ml bottles filled with 50ml of flavoured nicotine-free e-liquid, leaving 20ml to fill and mix. For 60ml of 3mg strength vape liquid, add in an 18mg 10ml nic shot. For 6mg, add in two nic shots. Be sure to give the bottle a good shake. Rest five minutes before use.

Liqua E-Liquid also has a unique tobacco flavoured line. When you need a smoke but can’t get out for one, this e-liquid is the answer. Our most popular flavours are:

To get  Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills, visit Vapes Direct today! We have the best variety of e-liquids online in the UK at a reasonable price.

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