Vape Battery Guide – For Beginners to Advanced Vapers

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Vape Battery Guide – For Beginners to Advanced Vapers

Without your e-cig battery, your device would just be a nifty container for your e-liquid. Since just about every vaper buys an e-cig to create vapour, you’ll want a high quality battery that will keep you puffing crisp, delicious clouds all day long.

Vape Batteries
At the top of most vapes and mods is the tank that holds your e-liquid. Also inside the tank is a coil with wicking inside, usually made of material like cotton. Once your wick is fully saturated with e-liquid, you need to power the vape to turn the e-liquid into vapour. The battery heats up the coil which then makes your e-liquid transform into those tasty clouds you’re after.

If your battery is dead or performs poorly, you won’t be getting the most out of your vape. Vape pens and many starter vapes have built in batteries so when these batteries stop working you’ll have to get a new vape. More advanced vapes and mods often have removable batteries, meaning you can replace the batteries as you need to and even have a spare set on hand.

It’s not uncommon for seasoned vapers to have a second set of batteries that they keep on charge while they use the other set. This way they always have a set of vape batteries ready to go and will never have to wait for their vape to charge.

Vapes Direct has several impressive and long-lasting rechargeable vape batteries to keep you and your device happy. Here are a few we have hand selected for you.

  • BAK N18650CNP 18650 Battery: Each battery has a 2500mAh nominal capacity, a 3.6V nominal voltage, and a 20A max continuous discharge.
  • Aspire 18650 Battery 2600 mAh: This battery has a 2600mAh capacity, 3.7V voltage, and a max continuous discharge of 20A.
  • Vapcell 18650 K25 Battery: A leader in vape batteries, Vapcell’s K25 battery is 2500mAh with a nominal voltage of 3.6V and a max continuous discharge of 20A.

You can purchase these vape batteries and everything else you need to have a top-quality vaping session at Vapes Direct. Visit Vapes Direct for the best premium and affordable vapes, e-cig liquids, and vape accessories in the UK.

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