Why You Should Try Double Drip Nic Salts?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Why You Should Try Double Drip Nic Salts?

Double Drip has made quite the name for itself in the vaping world due to its phenomenal range of e-cigarette liquid. Anyone who has tried them can tell you Double Drip makes some of the tastiest and high quality e-cig liquids on the market.

Now, their delicious e-liquids come in nic salt form, meaning you can get an even stronger nicotine hit from your favourite flavours. Nic salts are ideal for vapers who want a stronger throat hit or for those who have just quit smoking. They use a pure form of nicotine whereas standard e-liquids use nicotine that is more diluted. As a result, each inhale will be more like having the nicotine hit from a cigarette, but without all the nastier parts of smoking.

Because nic salts are stronger, it is recommended that you pace yourself so you do not flood your system with too much nicotine. That’s why nic salts are also great for people who cannot vape as much throughout the day but need to curb their nicotine cravings. 

To get delectable throat hits every time you vape, visit Vapes Direct. As a leading vape shop in London, we have a wide selection of scrumptious Double Drip Nic Salts as well as other e-liquids, vapes, and vape accessories. For the best e-cig liquids in the UK at affordable prices.


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