Super Payments and Rewards

Posted by Avtar Singh Sehmi on

How Super payments works and Rewards



Discover Super payments: Seamless Rewards with Vapesdirect

In today’s digital age, Super payments stands out as a revolutionary payment platform designed to simplify online transactions and reward customers. This advanced system integrates seamlessly with e-commerce websites, offering secure, fast, and hassle-free payments.

How Super payments Works

Making a Purchase: At checkout, customers choose Super for secure transactions.

Earning Rewards: After each purchase, customers earn rewards like cashback or points, instantly credited to their Super payments account.


Redeeming Rewards: These rewards can be used on any participating site, maximising savings.

Vapesdirect Partnership

Vapesdirect, a top online vaping product retailer, offers a 5% reward on purchases made through Super payments. This partnership enhances the customer experience by providing significant savings on every order.


Getting Started

Visit Vapesdirect: Explore their wide range of vaping products.

Select: Super - Choose it as your payment method at checkout.

Enjoy Rewards: Complete your purchase and instantly earn rewards for future use.

Super payments is transforming online shopping by merging seamless transactions with valuable rewards. Shop with Vapesdirect and enjoy a 5% reward through Super payments today!


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